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Reviews, Articles, and Special Features:

Men Who Write Women: We Need to Talk
Essay, Elle Turpitt, Editor's Desk Guest User Essay, Elle Turpitt, Editor's Desk Guest User

Men Who Write Women: We Need to Talk

It seems we’re facing a bit of a problem right now. And it’s a conversation we’ve had over and over and over. Some individual authors have listened, or spoken out, about it. Reviewers sure as hell have, but certain people seem to believe themselves ‘above’ the rest of us. Whether they’re writers or reviewers or even publishers, there’s people to ignore us when we say this. So it needs to be said again and again and again.

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Book Review: Joyride by Jack Ketchum
Book Review Guest User Book Review Guest User

Book Review: Joyride by Jack Ketchum

Jack Ketchum never fails to grab you by the throat - you feel his stories.

What could you do if someone was keeping a list of all the transgressions against him; considering the slightest thing could set him off, including your name?

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