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Reviews, Articles, and Special Features:

Book Review: The Worm and His Kings

Book Review: The Worm and His Kings

I’ll be the first person to admit that I’m not a huge consumer of media that’d fall within the ‘cosmic horror’ sphere; that isn’t to say that I don’t like the subgenre, but my exposure to it has been pretty limited. I actually wasn’t even really sure what cosmic horror was, beyond knowing that H.P. Lovecraft supposedly pioneered the topic. After doing some investigating, the general idea seems to be that there’s a lot of unknown stuff out there that could potentially be pretty terrifying for us – big yikes, basically!

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10 Ladies Writing Horror Fiction You Need to Read ASAP

10 Ladies Writing Horror Fiction You Need to Read ASAP

I’m so grateful for finding women writing horror. As a girl growing up loving the genre, the overwhelming feeling that the only place I had in a horror setting was to die a horrible death with my chest bare was a little disheartening. I didn’t have enough women to look up to in the genre, and it wasn’t until joining #bookstagram and the bookish community online that I realized how much I was missing.

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